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AlltheInterweb Search Engine, powered by FDSE: energy

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Your search for energy found the following documents (of 14752 documents searched):

Displaying documents 1-16 of 3647, with best matches first:

1. Wind farms vs wildlife - The Spectator
Wind turbines only last for ‘half as long as previously thought’, according to a new study. But even in their short lifespans, those turbines can do a lot of damage. Wind farms are devastating populations of rare birds and bats across the world, driving some to the point of extinction. Most environmentalists just don’t want to know. Because they’re so desperate to believe in renewable energy, they’re in a state of denial. But the evidence suggests that, this century at least, renewables pose a far greater threat to wildlife than climate change.
URL: http://www.spectator.co.uk/features/8807761/wind-farms-vs-wildlife/ - 368KB - 13 Aug 2014
Excerpt: environmental cost of renewable energy comment on wind farms vs wildlife...
2. 'The lights will go out over Britain': Shares in energy firms drop 5% amid warnings of blackouts from Miliband's plan to freeze bills
In the most Left-wing speech by a party chief in decades, Ed Miliband said he would fix power bills until 2017 if he won the next election.Angela Knight, of the Energy UK trade association, warned Mr Miliband's plan would risk jobs and threaten the energy supply.'Freezing the bill, may be superficially attractive, but it will also freeze the money to build and renew power stations, freeze the jobs and livelihoods of the 600,000 plus people dependent on the energy industry and make the prospect of energy shortages a reality, pushing up the prices for everyone,' she added.Liberal Democrat energy secretary Ed Davey said: ‘When they tried to fix prices in California it resulted in an electricity crisis and widespread blackouts. We can’t risk the lights going out here too.
URL: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2431073/Ed-Milibands-speech-revives-70s-socialism-Fixing-energy-prices-boosting-minimum-wage-.html - 287KB - 25 Sep 2013
Excerpt: will go out over britain shares in energy firms drop 5 amid warnings of...
3. Great green myth, or how an eco home can end up costing you thousands | Mail Online
*Research claims energy savings far lower than expected*Nick Clegg to back £14m plan to help homes go green*Officials claim cost of work entirely off-set by savingsThe Government’s green homes plan exaggerates savings on energy bills and could leave homeowners tens of thousands of pounds out of pocket, a study suggests.Millions of people who want to build a conservatory, replace a broken boiler or install new windows face forking out for green-friendly loft or wall insulation, according to plans revealed by the Daily Mail on Monday.Officials claim the cost of this work will be entirely offset by energy savings.But research shows the energy savings can be far lower than expected and greatly raise costs.Those who cannot afford the extra work will have to borrow the money – up to £10,000 – under the Coalition’s Green Deal and pay it back for years through an extra charge on their energy bills.Today Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg will endorse the £14billion scheme in a major speech on ‘greening’ Britain’s homes. He will say it is essential to reduce energy bills and the nation’s carbon footprint.However the energy savings are not calculated on the basis of a home’s actual energy usage but using an estimate called the Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP) – found by an independent review to be ‘very inaccurate’.
URL: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2127968/Great-green-myth-eco-home-end-costing-thousands.html - 146KB - 11 Apr 2012
Excerpt: you thousands research claims energy savings far lower than expected...
4. Solar Executive Tries to Intimidate Bill Gates Into Opposing Fossil Fuels - Forbes
Bill Gates has gotten a lot of criticism for endorsing–or at least for not opposing–poor countries’ use of cheap, plentiful, reliable energy from fossil fuels to improve their lives.Here’s the background: In a post on his “Gates Notes” blog entitled “Two Videos That Illuminate Energy Poverty,” Gates recommends that readers view two videos by the Danish statistician Bjorn Lomborg entitled “Fighting Poverty with Fossil Fuels” and “Saving Lives with Fossil Fuels” (they’re worth watching, and each is barely over a minute). Poor countries, says Gates, "desperately need cheap sources of energy now to fuel the economic growth that lifts families out of poverty. They can’t afford today’s expensive clean energy solutions, and we can’t expect them wait for the technology to get cheaper."
URL: http://www.forbes.com/sites/alexepstein/2014/08/22/solar-executive-tries-to-intimidate-bill-gates-into-opposing-fossil-fuels/ - 85KB - 24 Aug 2014
Excerpt: posts popular posts full bio an energy philosopher debater and...
5. Medical experts who refuse to use low-energy lightbulbs to protect against skin cancer and blindness
How would you view a man who's stockpiled a lifetime supply of old-fashioned lightbulbs because he believes low-energy bulbs could lead to blindness?You might well dismiss him as dotty. But the man in question, John Marshall, is no crank. In fact, he's one of Britain's most eminent eye experts, the professor of ophthalmology at the University College London Institute of Ophthalmology. So concerned is he that he has boxes stacked with old-fashioned incandescent lightbulbs at home.Nor is he alone in his concerns about modern lightbulbs. Another eminent British professor, John Hawk, an expert in skin disease, is warning they may cause sunburn-like damage, premature aging and even skin cancer.
URL: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2626564/The-medical-experts-refuse-use-low-energy-lightbulbs-homes-Professors-stocked-old-style-bulbs-protect-against-skin-cancer-blindness-So-YOU-worried.html - 316KB - 14 May 2014
Excerpt: experts who refuse to use low energy lightbulbs in their homes...
6. Labour neglected energy crisis 'for a decade' - Telegraph
Energy policy has been neglected for a decade under Labour and is now in "crisis", Tim Yeo has claimed, as customers were warned they face sharp rises in their bills.
URL: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/energy/9880765/Labour-neglected-energy-crisis-for-a-decade.html - 66KB - 19 Feb 2013
Excerpt: rss feed for energy articles telegraph co uk dcsimg...
7. “Demand-side management”: Blackouts by another name..and why “green energy” is economic nonsense | Roger Helmer MEP
In a recent speech Ed Davey announced that energy intensive companies would be paid to switch off their machinery during times of high demand. As many have noted, this not what happens in healthy energy markets. Although this policy is called ‘demand-side management’, jargon does not disguise what is still a blackout. But simple economics can determine a much better approach to energy policy than the managed decline preferred by the deeply unpopular minority party in the coalition.
URL: http://rogerhelmermep.wordpress.com/2014/06/24/demand-side-management-blackouts-by-another-name/ - 126KB - 24 Jul 2014
Excerpt: speech ed davey announced that energy intensive companies would be paid...
8. PM orders review into green taxes: Cameron battles Lib Dems as he bids to curb soaring energy...
The Coalition was riven by bitter infighting over green taxes last night after David Cameron ordered a review to stem the rise in energy bills.Green taxes have been blamed for pushing energy prices to record levels, but the Prime Minister’s intervention met fierce opposition from the Lib Dems.They insist the Government’s green energy targets are sacred.Business Secretary Vince Cable said it would be ‘short-sighted and foolish’ to try to cut energy bills in the short term by tearing up the Government’s environmental policies.But Downing Street said it was right to include green energy subsidies in a wider review of measures designed to ease the financial squeeze on families.
URL: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2455538/PM-orders-review-green-taxes-Cameron-battles-Lib-Dems-bids-curb-soaring-energy-bills.html - 231KB - 12 Oct 2013
Excerpt: lib dems as he bids to curb soaring energy bills vince cable warned against...
9. Minister signals end of the wind farm: We can't pepper turbines across the country - enough is...
Early-morning ministerial showdown after Conservative John Hayes (pictured) defied his boss and claimed controversial onshore wind farms are giving other sources of renewable power a bad name.
URL: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2225531/Minister-signals-end-wind-farm-We-pepper-turbines-country--declares-energy-minister.html - 214KB - 31 Oct 2012
Excerpt: coalition row erupts with lib dem energy secretary slapping down tory...
10. American economic strengths we could copy | John Redwood's Diary
Yesterday I argued that the US was not growing faster than the UK because it was enjoying a larger fiscal stimulus. Most of you agreed, but some were extremely sceptical of the quality and sustainability of US growth. Today I wish to look at the factors that are assisting the US growth rate. I understand that there is still too much unemployment in the USA, and that some people’s living standards have been badly squeezed. However, the official figures drawn up under international public sector accounting conventions do show faster growth in the USA last year and this, than in troubled Europe.Some have rightly observed that the USA now has very cheap energy in the form of low priced gas, thanks to its enthusiastic embrace of shale gas. Mr Obama was dismissive of Sarah Palin’s “Drill baby, drill” remark when asked about energy policy, yet his administration seems to be adopting it as a practical means of cutting energy bills and providing a big stimulus to industry. The Uk needs to pursue cheaper energy policies, as I have often argued here.
URL: http://johnredwoodsdiary.com/2012/04/28/american-economic-strengths-we-could-copy/ - 237KB - 11 May 2012
Excerpt: that the usa now has very cheap energy in the form of low priced gas...
11. Green taxes will push energy bills up to £2,000: Ministers urged to lift 'dranconian' burden on...
By 2020, green charges and tax will make up £620 of the typical annual bill for gas and electricity, according to the Taxpayers' Alliance.
URL: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2355195/Green-taxes-push-energy-bills-2-000-Ministers-urged-lift-dranconian-burden-struggling-families.html - 227KB - 04 Jul 2013
Excerpt: day forecast green taxes will push energy bills up to 2 000 ministers urged...
12. Why Miliband is wrong on energy policy « Adam Smith Institute
Why is this misguided? Let’s put aside Miliband’s refusal to acknowledge the costs that are loaded on to energy companies by the state (ie: requirements to source energy from renewables), which in turn, gets pushed onto the customer and focus on a second, more important point: Miliband’s policy proposals reinforce the energy monopoly.
URL: http://www.adamsmith.org/blog/energy-environment/why-miliband-is-wrong-on-energy-policy/ - 43KB - 23 Sep 2014
Excerpt: institute why miliband is wrong on energy policy comments feed rsd toggle...
13. In China, the true cost of Britain's clean, green wind power experiment: Pollution on a...
This toxic lake poisons Chinese farmers, their children and their land. It is whats left behind after making the magnets for Britains latest wind turbines...
URL: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/moslive/article-1350811/In-China-true-cost-Britains-clean-green-wind-power-experiment-Pollution-disastrous-scale.html - 116KB - 14 Feb 2012
Excerpt: in the most striking of green energy producers wind turbines more plan...
14. Thought we were running out of fossil fuels? New technology means Britain and the U.S. could tap...
Until recently, the cost of extracting gas and, in some cases, oil from shale has been prohibitive. But the combination of two innovative technologies has changed all that.
URL: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2244822/Thought-running-fossil-fuels-New-technology-means-Britain-U-S-tap-undreamed-reserves-gas-oil.html - 112KB - 09 Dec 2012
Excerpt: ago i was secretary of state for energy in margaret thatcher 8217 s...
15. Why has human progress ground to a halt? - Michael Hanlon - Aeon
Some of our greatest cultural and technological achievements took place between 1945 and 1971. Why has progress stalled?
URL: http://aeon.co/magazine/science/why-has-human-progress-ground-to-a-halt/ - 364KB - 13 Dec 2014
Excerpt: risk would be unacceptable in the energy sector civilian nuclear technology...
16. Dragon fails to declare an interest | Roger Helmer MEP
Deborah Meaden, it seems, is a dragon on Dragon’s Den, a programme I know by reputation but have never watched. I thought it was offensive, by the way, to describe a lady as “a dragon” (remember those green windscreen sun-shades marked “George” and “Dragon”?). But she refers to herself as a dragon, so presumably I can do so too.She has recently been sending out an e-mail on behalf of “Friends of the Earth”, calling on recipients to write to Ed Davey (described as “Minister for Energy and Climate Change”, following the unlamented Chris Huhne), calling for more renewable energy.In it, she says: “I’m supporting Friends of the Earth’s Clean British Energy campaign because gas, coal and nuclear are the technologies of the past. We can’t afford not to switch the UK to home-grown clean power. The Government’s upcoming energy bill is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to revolutionise the way we produce electricity in this country”.Let’s think this through. Gas, coal and nuclear are energies of the past? When the USA is enjoying a new industrial revolution based on cheap, indigenous shale-gas? And shale gas has been discovered in commercial quantities in the UK? Has she noticed that wind power is the energy of the ninth century (according to Wikipedia)? How’s that for “the energy of the past”? She should read some history, and try to get a sense of perspective.
URL: http://rogerhelmermep.wordpress.com/2012/05/06/dragon-fails-to-declare-an-interest/ - 69KB - 11 May 2012
Excerpt: davey described as a oeminister for energy and climate changea following the...

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